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Tu B'Shvat

Simcha Sweets can meet all your Tu B'Shvat needs!

This year Tu B'Shvat begins the Wednesday evening of February 12, 2025 and continues through the Thursday daytime of February 13, 2025.

Tu B'Shvat is literally the 15th of Shvat; the date of the holiday. Tu B'Shvat is the New Year of the Trees, and involves planting trees and celebrating their importance.

We feature a selection for shipping throughout the US.

In addition to this selection, we offer custom selections and presentations. We also offer the opportunities for organizations and businesses to purchase large quantities. To take advantage, please call us at 410-358-5450.

Small Tu B'Shvat Wicker Platter (Kosher)
Large Tu B'Shvat Wicker Platter (Kosher)
Dried Fruit Basket (Kosher)
Dried Apricots (Kosher)
Small Tu B'Shvat Wicker Platter (Kosher)

Large Tu B'Shvat Wicker Platter (Kosher)

Dried Fruit Basket (Kosher)

Dried Apricots (Kosher)

Craisins (Kosher)
Dried Dates (Kosher)
Peanuts - Honey Roasted
Papaya Chunks
Craisins (Kosher)

Dried Dates (Kosher)

Peanuts - Honey Roasted

Papaya Chunks

Tu B'Shvat Beaded Platter (Kosher)
Tu B'Shvat Beaded Platter (Kosher)
